On Monday, we did our full dress rehearsal for our lit play but unfortunately no one brought their costumes. Mr Chua was really pissed off, and the whole class were get scolded by him. After that he continues the rehearsal without wasting anymore time. My group was the last group to rehears, so we had quite a lot of time to prepare for it. When its our turn the school bell rang but Mr Chua wanted us to continues and he let the others off. While my group was performing, I saw Mr Chua keep shaking his head and I know that my group did a very bad performance. In my opinion, I think the actors need to speak louder and have more expression. We have to work harder for this lit play in order get a high standard for the whole play.

On Thursday, we had literature lesson for the first period of the day. As usual, after the morning assembly we went back to class wait for Mr Chua. After the scolding on Monday, nobody wondering out of the class except 2 of our classmate went to the toilet before Mr Chua came in and get caught by him when both of them came out of the toilet. When Mr Chua step in the class the first thing he did was addressed the whole class not to walk out of the class when there is no teacher around. Afterwards, we greeted Mr Chua and he announced that he will be giving us back our test paper. My heart was beating very fast when waiting for my name to be called. When I got back my paper, first thing I did was to find out my score and I scored a total of 15/20 marks. A score of 15/20 was not what I wanted. I thought I could get a better marks than what I got now but unfortunately I did not. I will try harder next time. We went through the paper within 5minutes. Aftermaths, Mr Chua showed us the a play on Romeo and Juliet and how we could improve on our speaking, props, costume and where each and everyone should stand at the right time. Mr Chua also asked the wardrobe I.C of each group how much they had spend. The bell rang and Mr Chua had to stop the play. I hope we have a successful performance on the actual day. This was our last learning log of the term.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, we had our literature test on "Are You Lonesome Tonight?". Mr Chua came into our class first follow by Ms Chala. At first I thought both teachers will be conducting our test together but after Mr Chua gave out the test paper and the test started Mr Chua went off, Ms Chala took over. We do not had any lesson due to test the test. When the time was up we handed up the test paper and we greeted Ms Chala and we were dismissed. Overall for Monday lesson, the test paper was not very difficult, and I hope I could score very high marks.

On Thursday, basically the lesson talk about famine. Famine cause people to die, due to have a shortage of food and etc... Before that Mr Chua had to scolded people for being so ridiculous, to wondering out of the class to check when teacher is coming and if there was any teacher out there and 15minutes of our time had taken away. Mr Chua then gave us a worksheet with a picture printed on the front and there was some question behind the picture. The picture shown a vulture and a African girl lying on the ground.

Mr Chua told us to write 2 thoughtful interpretations based on the picture shown. I wrote: " The Vulture is waiting for it prey to die and the prey is the child" and "Maybe the child is praying for food to eat and water to drink.". Mr Chua then explained a lot about the picture. He also told us that the picture was capture by photographer name Kevin Carter. It won the 1994 Pulitzer Prize. After that one of my classmate asked " Is he still alive today?" and Mr Chua said he would answer his question later. He then told us that there were a UN (United Nations) providing food at the food aid station and the food aid station was more than 1km away the little girl. We were told that the little girl was trying to crawl to the food aid station, also the little girl was too weak to walk and was dying, the Vulture at the back of the little girl was waiting for her to die so it can feed on her. Actually Kevin is waiting for the vulture to open it wings and took a photo of it, but he could not wait any longer and took a photo of the vulture without opening the wings and walk off. Mr Chua now then answer my classmate answer, he said that Kevin committed suicide, 3 months later.
Before he committed suicide, these was what he note:
"I am depressed ... without phone ... money for rent ... money for child support ... money for debts ... money!!! ... I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain ... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken [recently deceased colleague Ken Oosterbroek] if I am that lucky."
I think he committed suicide due to depressed of not helping the little girl to the food aid station and blame by many people. I felt sad for him and if I were him I would help the little girl to the food aid station, also gave her some food and drink while on the way to the food aid station. We should be thankful and grateful for the things we have now and never take for granted of it. Also never waste food even if the food is not nice and take the right amount of food you can take in. To find out more about Kevin Carter, please visit this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Carter
Back to the top, babeh?
On Monday, Mr Chua came in along with Mr Narz. The first thing flash through my mind was that Mr Narz will be our new literature teacher and Mr Chua will be examining him while he teaching us. Mr Chua then quickly
issue a piece of worksheet on Mighty Mandarin after we had greeted Mr Narz and him. He also explained the meaning of some words on the worksheet and told us to complete the worksheet by the end of that period. After the explanation Mr Chua rush to somewhere else and Mr Narz replace him for that lesson. Since, we only have one period to finish the worksheet and hand in to Mr Narz without further ado I start doing my work quietly.
About 30minutes had pass and I had finish my work in a quite class. At first, I thought my class will be very noisy, but I was surprised that my class seemed to be very focused on completing their work. Mr Narz only had to remind us keep quiet for a 2 to 3 time and ask one or two of them to do their work quietly. Just a few minutes before the bell rang Mr Narz stood up and collected the worksheet down the row. When Mr Narz had finish collecting the worksheet, we pack our bag and we went off. From this lesson I wake up to the truth that my class can focused on their their work if they want to.

On Thursday, as soon as we had greeted Mr Chua. He then distributed back our "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" worksheet 2 to us. For this worksheet, 2 more marks and I can get full marks, which I think was a waste. When everybody had gotten their work, Mr Chua started scolding us for being dishonest as he caught people copying others work. We wasted lots of time on it. Mr Chua then continued the lesson by going through the worksheet and told us to do our correction. After that we were told to hand in our illustrations for the Mighty Mandarin scene. He then call out a few students to stood up and read a loud the Mighty Mandarin poem but very disappointed to said that many of them still spoke very soft. As soon as, we had done the poem, Mr Chua gave us homework on an article and told us to write an essay based on the article. He also told us to get into bravo formation, but the rang a few second after that. So, he told us to went home to complete the work and hand in by next Thursday. Overall, for today lesson, I think my class should learn the word 'integrity' cause they lacked the value.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, there wasn't any lesson as it was our nation 45th Birthday, so we resume our literature lesson Thursday.

On Thursday, we went straight to the Civil Defense corner after morning assembly to had our literature lesson. After we had reach there , we were told to put our bag at the corner and sit in front of Mr Chua. After he had briefed us on what to do we will split into our groups for the rehearsal of the Shakespeare play. My group was located beside a rush-bin to rehearsal, and I am sad to said that my group actor did not do their job except the role of Romeo and Tybalt did a good job in memorises their lines and expression. The rest of the members were told to sit in front of the actors to write down some constructive comments about the actors performance on a foolscaps paper. After one round of rehearsal, we shared our comments to the actors and we had second round of rehearsal but the role of Juliet and Lord Capulet still did not improve after the comments had given to them. I can only said that my group is still not cooperative enough. When we will rehearsal half way through, Mr Chua told us to assemble back in the middle in our groups. Mr Chua randomly pick a few students to shared the comments on their group actors to the whole class. After some sharing of comments, he told us the kissing method for Romeo and Juliet scene, how Romeo and Juliet kiss by not touching each other lip. He picked out one of my male classmates to demonstrate the method without really kissing, but when looking at some angle they were like really kissing. Everyone laugh when Mr Chua was demonstrating, even the people walk pass was laughing. It was fun on Thursday lesson, I hope we could have more literature lesson like that in the future.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, the time was very tight as we had a lots of things need to do in 40minutes. So soon after we had settle down Mr Chua gave us a piece of worksheet about Anti drug abuse message that our form teacher had gone through with us on last week CCD lesson. Mr Chua gave us this worksheet is because “Are you lonesome tonight?” in this scene Elvis Presley was also a drugs addicted. He told us to read through the text and he would call out people to read out loud for the whole class, as we are going to have our Shakespeare play on Term 4.
He was trying to train our voice to make us speak at volume 7 to 8, as we had went for the debate classes last semester. After that, Mr Chua gave us second worksheet is also our homework, we had to write a letter back to counsel the Lonesome Boy's about his problems. Lastly, he return to us our “Are you lonesome tonight?” scene 1 worksheet and going through the answer with us. After those worksheet had been given out to us, Mr Chua showed us our learning log result. He one by one called out people who had not been doing their posting on time and almost half of the class people were standing and got scolded. When I saw so many people was standing up, I was so shock that so many people were so irresponsible on their work. This lesson ended when the bell rang. I think those people who are standing up on today lesson should reflect on their behavior of not doing their work on time. On Thursday, was an interesting lesson and we had lot of fun while having lesson. We covered Mighty Mandarin in one lesson. We were been divided into rows to read different characters, each row will read one character. as for Mr Chua he will be reading 2 characters and the narrator part. My row got the role of Fu. Each row had to stand and read when our lines were being spoken. We will standing and sitting and standing and sitting, like someone was playing a piano or a pipe organ. Some of them were still blur blur when is their turn to read. The most funny part is when Mr Chua change his pitch to Min pitch, and he mix up his own characters, the whole class was laughing out loud even himself were laughing. Even it is really tiring standing and sitting and standing and sitting just to read one character but it was fun. As the lesson was ending soon, Mr Chua gave us one worksheet about Mighty Mandarin and another white paper to let us draw the setting of Mighty Mandarin. Before he leave the class he reminded us to memorise the lines for the actors. I hope that we will have more this kind of literature lesson in the next few literature lesson.
Back to the top, babeh?
On Monday, we will been scolded by Mr Chua again because of some irresponsible people, who just do not know how listen to Mr Chua and submit their assignments on time. This scolding took up half of our lesson, what a waste of time. After scolding then we had our lesson started with some quiz given by Mr Chua which he will did every lesson. We were been told not to look at our text when he is asking us questions and we have to use our brain to think and think. So when test or exam time our brain can work faster and think within a minute. Those question asked was from scene 2 and will been asked lots of time already, but some people just couldn't said the answer even the question was been asked many times. After that we went into second part of our lesson. Second part of our lesson, we went through our theatre production worksheet which we did it on the first or second week. I scored a total of 19/20 which I think is pretty well, but the same time I think I can do better to get full marks. Mr Chua went through the worksheet as quickly as possible as time is running out because the time was been taken up by scolding of pupil at first. Mr Chua then pass down another worksheet which question is based on scene 2 of “Are you lonesome tonight?” We were told to complete it band hand it in by next Monday. I hope on Monday everyone handed in their worksheet into the tray before Mr Chua came in so we wouldn't get scolded by him again.

On Thursday, it was a pleasant day as we did not get scolded by Mr Chua, and we had lots of time for lesson. Mr Chua started with his lesson with some quiz as usual. Today quiz was simple and was mainly just refreshing our memory, we then went onto scene 3 which involves Older Presley and Redhead again. In this scene, Older Presley felt very sad also miss his mama very much. We did not manage to go through the whole scene but we went through half of the scene. In this scene, when Older Presley was alone in the room, he was talking to someone but the person is not Redhead, so Mr Chua ask us who is he talking to? He choose some pupil to answer, we then knew that is Jesse, Evils's twin brother. We then went further down the scene, and we know that Evils was in pain but what pain. This is the second question ask by Mr Chua. Some of my classmates said that he was in pain because of withdrawal symptoms for the drugs he took, but the main reason is because he miss his mama and Redhead comfort him when he in pain. He miss his mama so much that he actually remembers her funeral was happen a day ago but it happen nineteen years ago on the August of fourteenth, 'fifty-eight. Evils could not attend his mother funeral was that, he was in the US Army performing for the US Army. Also he could not stay by her mother side when she is going to die.
In my opinion, if i will to choose between my family and my fans if I will a famous singing or dancer, I would choose my family because my family watched me grown up and have helped me when I am down and through my turf times, and always by my side to encourage me. If my fans has the same situation as me, they will also think the same as me.
Last words before I end my this week learning log, precious the time with family.
Back to the top, babeh?
Elvis Presley and his mother.On Monday, after greeting we had our quiz again. Mr Chua almost did the same thing as last week, but he did this thing is because of us. He makes us to answer his question and made us think is because, when exam we know how to answer the question and more understanding about the scene. After those quiz, Mr Chua told us to open up our file and he continues his lesson by going through scene 2, scene 2 there is only 2 characters, Elvis's mother and Younger Presley. In this scene we get to know that Elvis's mother, Gladys is a caring mother and Younger Presley cares about his mother a lots. After going through the scene 2, Mr Chua ask us what is the same action in scene1 and 2 Gladys Presley and Older Presley did. The same action they did is laugh. He also ask why Gladys Presley laugh, she laugh is because she think Younger Presley is silly that the car is his and he is not driving he just stare at his car. From today lesson I think I had a bit of improvement on answering Mr Chua question cause when he asking other students the question, my mind was thinking about the answer and I understand his question.
On Thursday, it was very sad that Mr Chua was not present in school and we could not have literature lesson.
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On Monday, we did our full dress rehearsal for our lit play but unfortunately no one brought their costumes. Mr Chua was really pissed off, and the whole class were get scolded by him. After that he continues the rehearsal without wasting anymore time. My group was the last group to rehears, so we had quite a lot of time to prepare for it. When its our turn the school bell rang but Mr Chua wanted us to continues and he let the others off. While my group was performing, I saw Mr Chua keep shaking his head and I know that my group did a very bad performance. In my opinion, I think the actors need to speak louder and have more expression. We have to work harder for this lit play in order get a high standard for the whole play.

On Thursday, we had literature lesson for the first period of the day. As usual, after the morning assembly we went back to class wait for Mr Chua. After the scolding on Monday, nobody wondering out of the class except 2 of our classmate went to the toilet before Mr Chua came in and get caught by him when both of them came out of the toilet. When Mr Chua step in the class the first thing he did was addressed the whole class not to walk out of the class when there is no teacher around. Afterwards, we greeted Mr Chua and he announced that he will be giving us back our test paper. My heart was beating very fast when waiting for my name to be called. When I got back my paper, first thing I did was to find out my score and I scored a total of 15/20 marks. A score of 15/20 was not what I wanted. I thought I could get a better marks than what I got now but unfortunately I did not. I will try harder next time. We went through the paper within 5minutes. Aftermaths, Mr Chua showed us the a play on Romeo and Juliet and how we could improve on our speaking, props, costume and where each and everyone should stand at the right time. Mr Chua also asked the wardrobe I.C of each group how much they had spend. The bell rang and Mr Chua had to stop the play. I hope we have a successful performance on the actual day. This was our last learning log of the term.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, we had our literature test on "Are You Lonesome Tonight?". Mr Chua came into our class first follow by Ms Chala. At first I thought both teachers will be conducting our test together but after Mr Chua gave out the test paper and the test started Mr Chua went off, Ms Chala took over. We do not had any lesson due to test the test. When the time was up we handed up the test paper and we greeted Ms Chala and we were dismissed. Overall for Monday lesson, the test paper was not very difficult, and I hope I could score very high marks.

On Thursday, basically the lesson talk about famine. Famine cause people to die, due to have a shortage of food and etc... Before that Mr Chua had to scolded people for being so ridiculous, to wondering out of the class to check when teacher is coming and if there was any teacher out there and 15minutes of our time had taken away. Mr Chua then gave us a worksheet with a picture printed on the front and there was some question behind the picture. The picture shown a vulture and a African girl lying on the ground.

Mr Chua told us to write 2 thoughtful interpretations based on the picture shown. I wrote: " The Vulture is waiting for it prey to die and the prey is the child" and "Maybe the child is praying for food to eat and water to drink.". Mr Chua then explained a lot about the picture. He also told us that the picture was capture by photographer name Kevin Carter. It won the 1994 Pulitzer Prize. After that one of my classmate asked " Is he still alive today?" and Mr Chua said he would answer his question later. He then told us that there were a UN (United Nations) providing food at the food aid station and the food aid station was more than 1km away the little girl. We were told that the little girl was trying to crawl to the food aid station, also the little girl was too weak to walk and was dying, the Vulture at the back of the little girl was waiting for her to die so it can feed on her. Actually Kevin is waiting for the vulture to open it wings and took a photo of it, but he could not wait any longer and took a photo of the vulture without opening the wings and walk off. Mr Chua now then answer my classmate answer, he said that Kevin committed suicide, 3 months later.
Before he committed suicide, these was what he note:
"I am depressed ... without phone ... money for rent ... money for child support ... money for debts ... money!!! ... I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain ... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken [recently deceased colleague Ken Oosterbroek] if I am that lucky."
I think he committed suicide due to depressed of not helping the little girl to the food aid station and blame by many people. I felt sad for him and if I were him I would help the little girl to the food aid station, also gave her some food and drink while on the way to the food aid station. We should be thankful and grateful for the things we have now and never take for granted of it. Also never waste food even if the food is not nice and take the right amount of food you can take in. To find out more about Kevin Carter, please visit this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Carter
Back to the top, babeh?
On Monday, Mr Chua came in along with Mr Narz. The first thing flash through my mind was that Mr Narz will be our new literature teacher and Mr Chua will be examining him while he teaching us. Mr Chua then quickly
issue a piece of worksheet on Mighty Mandarin after we had greeted Mr Narz and him. He also explained the meaning of some words on the worksheet and told us to complete the worksheet by the end of that period. After the explanation Mr Chua rush to somewhere else and Mr Narz replace him for that lesson. Since, we only have one period to finish the worksheet and hand in to Mr Narz without further ado I start doing my work quietly.
About 30minutes had pass and I had finish my work in a quite class. At first, I thought my class will be very noisy, but I was surprised that my class seemed to be very focused on completing their work. Mr Narz only had to remind us keep quiet for a 2 to 3 time and ask one or two of them to do their work quietly. Just a few minutes before the bell rang Mr Narz stood up and collected the worksheet down the row. When Mr Narz had finish collecting the worksheet, we pack our bag and we went off. From this lesson I wake up to the truth that my class can focused on their their work if they want to.

On Thursday, as soon as we had greeted Mr Chua. He then distributed back our "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" worksheet 2 to us. For this worksheet, 2 more marks and I can get full marks, which I think was a waste. When everybody had gotten their work, Mr Chua started scolding us for being dishonest as he caught people copying others work. We wasted lots of time on it. Mr Chua then continued the lesson by going through the worksheet and told us to do our correction. After that we were told to hand in our illustrations for the Mighty Mandarin scene. He then call out a few students to stood up and read a loud the Mighty Mandarin poem but very disappointed to said that many of them still spoke very soft. As soon as, we had done the poem, Mr Chua gave us homework on an article and told us to write an essay based on the article. He also told us to get into bravo formation, but the rang a few second after that. So, he told us to went home to complete the work and hand in by next Thursday. Overall, for today lesson, I think my class should learn the word 'integrity' cause they lacked the value.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, there wasn't any lesson as it was our nation 45th Birthday, so we resume our literature lesson Thursday.

On Thursday, we went straight to the Civil Defense corner after morning assembly to had our literature lesson. After we had reach there , we were told to put our bag at the corner and sit in front of Mr Chua. After he had briefed us on what to do we will split into our groups for the rehearsal of the Shakespeare play. My group was located beside a rush-bin to rehearsal, and I am sad to said that my group actor did not do their job except the role of Romeo and Tybalt did a good job in memorises their lines and expression. The rest of the members were told to sit in front of the actors to write down some constructive comments about the actors performance on a foolscaps paper. After one round of rehearsal, we shared our comments to the actors and we had second round of rehearsal but the role of Juliet and Lord Capulet still did not improve after the comments had given to them. I can only said that my group is still not cooperative enough. When we will rehearsal half way through, Mr Chua told us to assemble back in the middle in our groups. Mr Chua randomly pick a few students to shared the comments on their group actors to the whole class. After some sharing of comments, he told us the kissing method for Romeo and Juliet scene, how Romeo and Juliet kiss by not touching each other lip. He picked out one of my male classmates to demonstrate the method without really kissing, but when looking at some angle they were like really kissing. Everyone laugh when Mr Chua was demonstrating, even the people walk pass was laughing. It was fun on Thursday lesson, I hope we could have more literature lesson like that in the future.
Back to the top, babeh?

On Monday, the time was very tight as we had a lots of things need to do in 40minutes. So soon after we had settle down Mr Chua gave us a piece of worksheet about Anti drug abuse message that our form teacher had gone through with us on last week CCD lesson. Mr Chua gave us this worksheet is because “Are you lonesome tonight?” in this scene Elvis Presley was also a drugs addicted. He told us to read through the text and he would call out people to read out loud for the whole class, as we are going to have our Shakespeare play on Term 4.
He was trying to train our voice to make us speak at volume 7 to 8, as we had went for the debate classes last semester. After that, Mr Chua gave us second worksheet is also our homework, we had to write a letter back to counsel the Lonesome Boy's about his problems. Lastly, he return to us our “Are you lonesome tonight?” scene 1 worksheet and going through the answer with us. After those worksheet had been given out to us, Mr Chua showed us our learning log result. He one by one called out people who had not been doing their posting on time and almost half of the class people were standing and got scolded. When I saw so many people was standing up, I was so shock that so many people were so irresponsible on their work. This lesson ended when the bell rang. I think those people who are standing up on today lesson should reflect on their behavior of not doing their work on time. On Thursday, was an interesting lesson and we had lot of fun while having lesson. We covered Mighty Mandarin in one lesson. We were been divided into rows to read different characters, each row will read one character. as for Mr Chua he will be reading 2 characters and the narrator part. My row got the role of Fu. Each row had to stand and read when our lines were being spoken. We will standing and sitting and standing and sitting, like someone was playing a piano or a pipe organ. Some of them were still blur blur when is their turn to read. The most funny part is when Mr Chua change his pitch to Min pitch, and he mix up his own characters, the whole class was laughing out loud even himself were laughing. Even it is really tiring standing and sitting and standing and sitting just to read one character but it was fun. As the lesson was ending soon, Mr Chua gave us one worksheet about Mighty Mandarin and another white paper to let us draw the setting of Mighty Mandarin. Before he leave the class he reminded us to memorise the lines for the actors. I hope that we will have more this kind of literature lesson in the next few literature lesson.
Back to the top, babeh?
On Monday, we will been scolded by Mr Chua again because of some irresponsible people, who just do not know how listen to Mr Chua and submit their assignments on time. This scolding took up half of our lesson, what a waste of time. After scolding then we had our lesson started with some quiz given by Mr Chua which he will did every lesson. We were been told not to look at our text when he is asking us questions and we have to use our brain to think and think. So when test or exam time our brain can work faster and think within a minute. Those question asked was from scene 2 and will been asked lots of time already, but some people just couldn't said the answer even the question was been asked many times. After that we went into second part of our lesson. Second part of our lesson, we went through our theatre production worksheet which we did it on the first or second week. I scored a total of 19/20 which I think is pretty well, but the same time I think I can do better to get full marks. Mr Chua went through the worksheet as quickly as possible as time is running out because the time was been taken up by scolding of pupil at first. Mr Chua then pass down another worksheet which question is based on scene 2 of “Are you lonesome tonight?” We were told to complete it band hand it in by next Monday. I hope on Monday everyone handed in their worksheet into the tray before Mr Chua came in so we wouldn't get scolded by him again.

On Thursday, it was a pleasant day as we did not get scolded by Mr Chua, and we had lots of time for lesson. Mr Chua started with his lesson with some quiz as usual. Today quiz was simple and was mainly just refreshing our memory, we then went onto scene 3 which involves Older Presley and Redhead again. In this scene, Older Presley felt very sad also miss his mama very much. We did not manage to go through the whole scene but we went through half of the scene. In this scene, when Older Presley was alone in the room, he was talking to someone but the person is not Redhead, so Mr Chua ask us who is he talking to? He choose some pupil to answer, we then knew that is Jesse, Evils's twin brother. We then went further down the scene, and we know that Evils was in pain but what pain. This is the second question ask by Mr Chua. Some of my classmates said that he was in pain because of withdrawal symptoms for the drugs he took, but the main reason is because he miss his mama and Redhead comfort him when he in pain. He miss his mama so much that he actually remembers her funeral was happen a day ago but it happen nineteen years ago on the August of fourteenth, 'fifty-eight. Evils could not attend his mother funeral was that, he was in the US Army performing for the US Army. Also he could not stay by her mother side when she is going to die.
In my opinion, if i will to choose between my family and my fans if I will a famous singing or dancer, I would choose my family because my family watched me grown up and have helped me when I am down and through my turf times, and always by my side to encourage me. If my fans has the same situation as me, they will also think the same as me.
Last words before I end my this week learning log, precious the time with family.
Back to the top, babeh?
Elvis Presley and his mother.On Monday, after greeting we had our quiz again. Mr Chua almost did the same thing as last week, but he did this thing is because of us. He makes us to answer his question and made us think is because, when exam we know how to answer the question and more understanding about the scene. After those quiz, Mr Chua told us to open up our file and he continues his lesson by going through scene 2, scene 2 there is only 2 characters, Elvis's mother and Younger Presley. In this scene we get to know that Elvis's mother, Gladys is a caring mother and Younger Presley cares about his mother a lots. After going through the scene 2, Mr Chua ask us what is the same action in scene1 and 2 Gladys Presley and Older Presley did. The same action they did is laugh. He also ask why Gladys Presley laugh, she laugh is because she think Younger Presley is silly that the car is his and he is not driving he just stare at his car. From today lesson I think I had a bit of improvement on answering Mr Chua question cause when he asking other students the question, my mind was thinking about the answer and I understand his question.
On Thursday, it was very sad that Mr Chua was not present in school and we could not have literature lesson.
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